Skin Sarcoidosis – All You Need to Know and Exciting News

Skin Sarcoidosis – All You Need to Know and Exciting News

Skin sarcoidosis treatment is similar to the treatment of any other autoimmune disease. Autoimmune disease is any disease where there is no real ‘enemy’. This means that the body gets its signals crossed and identifies non-threatening substances in our body as destructive agents. One of the most common autoimmune diseases is sarcoidosis. Skin involvement occurs in 20% of all sarcoidosis patients.

1)What are the first signs of skin sarcoidosis?

In most of the cases, the first signs of skin sarcoidosis are the small raised patches on the face. These patches can be either red or purplish. Apart from the face, the patches can appear on the buttocks, limbs or the face.

2)What is Erythema Nodosum in skin sarcoidosis?

Erythema Nodosum: A name applied to redness of the skin produced by congestion of the capillaries, which may result from a variety of causes, the etiology or a specific type of lesion often being indicated by a modifying term.

In skin sarcoidosis, this usually means that patches appear on the legs – the shins more often then other parts.

3)Specific and non-specific manifestations in skin sarcoidosis

  • Specific (granuloma is found in the tissue biopsy)
  • Non-specific (no granuloma is found in the tissue biopsy)

4)What are the most common types of lesions in sarcoidosis?

The lesions of sarcoidosis are lupus pernio, plaques, and maculopapular eruptions.

  • Lupus pernio is the most characteristic of all the skin lesions. It is manifested as chronic indurated skin lesions
  • Skin plaques are purplish and elevated patches usually found on the limbs
  • 1 to 5 mm (up to 10 mm), smooth-surfaced, reddish-brown (less often violaceous and translucent) lesions. They are classified as specific

5)Specific creams used in skin sarcoidosis

Modern medicine, apart from the oral steroids, offers topical corticosteroids creams that are effective in some cases. Very often, after applying the cream onto the skin, it is covered by a plastic wrap to enhance the amount of the ointment absorbed.

6)Exciting news in the field of alternative treatment of sarcoidosis research

Skin Sarcoidosis remains a subject of controversy. The issue with sarcoidosis is the lack of knowledge in modern medicine on the causes of the disease. But, lately, some exciting news has been reported on the discoveries of underlying chemical causes. Based on this, a new natural treatment protocol the Aden Protocol is fashioned which was reported to have an amazing success rate in skin sarcoidosis.

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