Sedation at the Dental Clinic

When you need to have any dental procedures done in the dental clinic you may be considering sedation in order to relax you or if the dentist recommends it. When someone has a fear of going to the dentist needs some dental work done, they may feel more relaxed and eager to get the work done with sedation at the dental clinic.

Not every dentist can offer sedation with dental work so it’s important that you ask if your dentist can do this procedure before you schedule an appointment. Most dentists that do sedation are cosmetic dentists and oral surgeons.

There are different degrees of sedation to choose from. Mild sedation allows you to be awake during all your procedures but you are more relaxed and able to able to handle the procedure without panicking or becoming excited. Next is the moderate sedation which can also put you to sleep if you are ultra sensitive to medications however it doesn’t feel like you are overdosed but you are able to go to sleep so the work can be done to your mouth without any complications. Any more sedation and you will need to go to an oral surgeon to have the work done to your mouth.

When you have sedation at a dental clinic, you will have mild to no side effects however, there are certain things that you can expect or watch out for.

Nausea is a common side effect that is usually accompanies by a headache. This happens when the sedative given to sedate you has become completely absorbed into the body. You may feel groggy when you wake up and for several hours afterward. You will need someone to drive you home after sedation at a dental clinic because everyone reacts differently when they are sedated. It’s important to never drive after sedation just in case it reacts negatively on you.

Sedation at a dental clinic is also recommended for those times when several dental procedures are performed on a patient during one visit. Sometimes it is easier to get more done in one visit then to reschedule the patient for many visits especially, if they are abnormally anxious when it comes to dental work.

To prepare for sedation, you need to eat lightly the day of your procedure. Don’t eat or drink within a couple of hours before your appointment and make sure that someone is able to drive you home. Follow all dentist orders after your procedure is over. Don’t eat or drink anything until the dentist says it is okay. You don’t want to make yourself sick by eating or drinking too soon and you don’t want to cause debris to go into an empty socket if you had a tooth extraction.

If you have a reaction to the sedation from a dental clinic, you need to contact your dentist as soon as possible or go to the hospital if the reaction is too severe. Never delay a reaction from anesthesia.

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