Water is life and can restore life. It has many therapeutic properties, which includes reviving the use of bodily functions lost due to a stroke.
Author: Eva E. Sperling
Elliptical Trainer Workout – Stride Your Way to Fitness
Elliptical trainers are designed to simulate walking or running, and are sort of a cross between a stepper and treadmill. The big advantage with an
Dental Care For an Abscessed Tooth
The pain is throbbing and gets worse when you chew. Your gums are red and swollen. You have a horrible taste in your mouth. You
Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Living – What Can Blood Test Results Tell You?
As you get older, you will find your doctor routinely sending you to have blood test assessments to check your… blood sugar, HDL and LDL
The “Average Joe” Gym is Now a Reality
The “Average Joe” Gym is now a reality. In one of the more memorable scenes from the Hollywood film-farce “Dodgeball,” Lance Armstrong casually consoles Vince
Home Fitness DVDs Are Valuable Exercise Tools
Since the days Jane Fonda and her group of leotard-sporting, leg-warmer-wearing exercisers on VHS-that’s Video Home System for those of you under the age 25-exercisers
Critical Care Nurse to Traveling Entrepreneur: How I Mentally Did It
“How did you go to from being a nurse to traveling around the world as an entrepreneur?” I get this question a lot. True, my
Mental Health – Easy Solution To Recover Using Music Therapy
Mental Health is an emotional and psychological state of an individual who is working at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioral adjustment. It is
Dental Plans 101 – Types of Dental Health Plans
Everyone needs dental care. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware that there is a variety of ways to get quality oral care at a cost that
When A Patient Suffering From A Prolapsed Uterus Seeks Medical Care
The uterus of a woman is located along the midline to the urinary bladder, which is pear-shaped and sits in inverted. It is a place
5 Half – Baked Justifications Given For Avoiding Common Sense Public Health Behaviors!
No one, I meet, enjoys wearing a mask/ face covering, especially, on a regular basis, for any period of time! However, if one finds doing
A Simple Seated Isometric Exercise Workout For Seniors
First of all, let me tell you that I am 70 years old and have been doing this basic exercise program, along with some other
Skin Sarcoidosis – All You Need to Know and Exciting News
Skin sarcoidosis treatment is similar to the treatment of any other autoimmune disease. Autoimmune disease is any disease where there is no real ‘enemy’. This
Digital Medicine Platform for Treatment of Cognitive Disorder
Akili, a pioneer in therapeutic prescription digital medicine has closed successfully it’s $55 million financing Series C trial of medicine. This funding follows a successful